Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thanks Ash!

Can you believe it? This is my second blog in 3 days. This is definitely a record for me. So I thought that I should give a little shout out to my sister, Ashley. Ashley decided one day that I needed a blog and consistently told me to make one until I finally did. While I was trying to make it all cute and get some pictures I had some questions for her. She was like "just give me your password and i'll add some pictures I have of you guys...". So I did. Now, six months later she still uses my password to log in and make changes to our page. Whenever she thinks I have had a layout for too long she puts a new one on there. She even adds the music and everything. I just thought that I should say thanks to her for making sure I have a super cute blog (even if I hardly ever use it.) Thanks Ash for helping me out. Where would my blog be without you? :)


Ashley and Devan said...

I just keep thinking that if I change your blog and make it cute you will use it. Don't let all my hard work go to waste : )

Rachael said...

Hi Steph,
I think it's been what five years or more since I have seen you. How are things? I haven't heard anything about Ashley... Oh crap I can't remember how to spell her last name Ezzell. I know that's not right, Sorry! I heard about her brothers accident and here and there about his recovery. But nothing about her.

It sound like you and your Hubby are having a blast. Ashley's right you know you shouldn't let all her hard work go to waste. Your blog looks really cute. Maybe you should go over to Ashley's place once a week to blog.

You have to fill me in on everything you can think of. My email address is... randjhansen@gmail.com . I hope to hear from you soon.