Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choo Choo Friends

Asher is pretty much the funniest kid I know. He says the cutest things and always has such funny ideas. "Choo choo friends" started about 6 weeks ago or so when Asher saw a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music video about a train called "Choo Choo Express". I guess he thought it said choo choo friends because he called it that for weeks and begged to watch it all the time. It was really cute. Plus, he LOVES trains and anything to do with trains. Choo choo friends has evolved a bit since then. He has recently started calling it "Choo choo expriends", a nice combination of the two. A few days ago he decided to make his own choo choo expriends. He loves to line things up in rows lately, so it was only a matter of time before he made a train out of it. He lines up all of his bigger toys and then puts a smaller toy on each one. I guess the little ones are the passengers. Then he will choose which one he wants to ride and repeats "CHOO CHOO". Since the first time, he has done it everyday since. It gets bigger everyday. What a silly boy!

1 comment:

Amy Lyne said...

That is so cute! And funny how kids like to line things up in a row...