Monday, January 21, 2013

Bye bye binky!

We are so proud of our Asher! He has always loved his binky. I have been dreading taking it away for months. Our original plan was to be down to naps and night by 18 months and gone for good by 2. Since we are having another baby though, right before Asher turns 2, we felt like we needed to work on it now.

We took it away on Thursday, Jan 10 before bedtime. We had a few rough days after that, especially naps. Asher usually naps for about 2.5-3 hours everyday. Without the binky, he was only napping for about 45 minutes. By Saturday I was ready to throw in the towel. I think it was harder on me than on him! I decided I would stick to it a couple of more days and see how things went before giving in to the binky. On Sunday, Tim pointed out that Asher had been chewing on his hands way more than usual, I figured he was missing the binky but Tim suggested that he might be teething. He was right! That night before bed we noticed a molar poking through. Talk about some major mommy guilt! I felt awful that we took it away right when he was teething, and probably needed it the most. Once he had some tylenol and a teething ring he was much happier! In no time he was back to great naps and going to sleep easily at bedtime. He has been perfectly fine without it, I am starting to think he didn't care about the binky being gone at all! I am so proud of how well he has been doing. And hopefully it's long forgotten by the time the baby comes!

I have been feeling guilty lately, like we are forcing Asher to grow up too quickly. With the baby coming not only did we need to take care of the binky, but he will also be moving to a toddler bed soon. Asher is such a little boy these days, though. He learns new things all the time and surprises us daily with the things he knows and does. I still feel like he is my little baby though, and I want him to stay that way a little longer! It makes me happy that he did so well giving up his binky. Hopefully the toddler bed goes just as well!

Here are some cute recent photos of our boy!

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