Monday, May 5, 2014

Greyson: 11 months

Our cute Greyson! 11 months already! He has been so much fun this month. He is walking all around like a pro! He sure picked up on walking quickly, it didn't take long for him to master it! He loves being able to walk around. He has always wanted to be independent and explore so it's no surprise that he gets happier as he gets more mobile.

He has also turned into a great eater this month. All of a sudden he loves finger foods and will happily eat whatever we give him. He has especially liked strawberries, bananas and toast. He's always trying to walk around the table and steal food from everyone else once he is finished with his. He has pulled Asher's entire plate off of the table more than once while trying to get his food. He also does great with a sippy cup and still loves his bottles.

Unfortunately, Greyson, along with Asher, has been getting sick a lot lately and catching just about everything going around. He has gone through colds, pink eye and the stomach flu just this month. Hopefully the warmer weather will help keep them a bit healthier!

Greyson will repeat words here and there and even just said his first word, "catch". He's been repeating it for about 2 weeks and then said it on his own while playing with a ball the other day. We love watching out cute boy learn and grow!

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